GniomCheck, the first DNA-based microbiota analysis for individualized recommendations


Thanks to the analysis of DNA by high-throughput sequencing technology, it is for the first time possible to measure and quantify all bacteria. Our laboratory has a database of over 6000 scientific studies conducted worldwide on the intestinal flora, and that continues to grow. The interpretation of a profile based on these then scientifically based knowledge and on machine learning algorithms.


Easy to use

Simple, easy and discreet, the sample is taken from your patient


Approved technology

The technology is based on high throughput sequencing.


A personalized report

A complete report with 3 reading levels


Results in your practice

Receive your patient’s results on the So / Check platform


  • Unprecedented depth of analysis with DNA sequencing
  • Measurement and quantification of all bacteria
  • A unique database (6000 studies)
  • Personalized results
  • Individualized recommendations and personalized food programs

The simplicity

  • A tiny amount of sample is sufficient
  • A web application, compatible with Windows and Mac OS
  • Personal and Secure Access


GniomCheck uses cutting-edge technology: 16S RNA technology

High throughput sequencing

Upon arrival in our laboratory, the sample undergoes quality control, then the microbial DNA is extracted through proprietary laboratory procedures, before being analyzed with the most modern high throughput sequencing (SHD) methods. .

Analysis pipeline

The quality of DNA sequences is checked in our proprietary software pipeline, then the sequences are compared to all known microbial genomes to determine your microbiota profile.

Microbiota Profile

Your profile is then studied by comparison with an exclusive knowledge base in order to determine the most diverse physiological properties, in particular concerning digestion, the tendency to gain weight, food intolerances, vitamin synthesis, etc.